Sometimes when translating information from one source to the next, the meaning gets lost, emotion loses value, passion becomes apathy.
The past
Monday, April 30, 2007

So I talked to Marie today for the first time in a month or so. It's hard to believe that the end of May will officially mark a year since I saw her. I sometimes wonder if I'll always think of her this much. I know she will take a back seat in my brain when I meet someone that I really fall for, but it's so hard to forget her since she was such a huge part of my life. I do know that still having feelings for her won't prevent me from fully loving someone else though. I used to think that might possibly be the case, but I just haven't cared for someone else fully since her. No offense to any girls I've talked to since then.

It's hard for me to not make this entire post about her; there is so much to say. But, let me point out the fact that I am not hung up on her though. Sure, I would love to get back with her if the situation ever presented itself. We have basically everything in common and probably made the best couple out of any girl I've ever been with, but I have no qualms with grasping the idea that it won't ever happen. And I won't be putting other girls on hold hoping for the chance. I really don't want you all thinking I'm some mopey, pathetic boy who can't move on. That is so not the case.

It just gets me thinking when we do talk. Strange coincidences always seem to pop up, to further give me the impression we were meant to be together.

In other news, I saw Melody at the mall on Sunday.

Talk about awkward.

It's so strange that with some ex-girlfriends I have a wonderful relationship. We have no problem talking and there is no hostility. But with some others it's the complete opposite.

This post is ridculous. I'm sorry.

I shouldn't blog from work.

It's hard to focus.

Posted by K. Hanley