Sometimes when translating information from one source to the next, the meaning gets lost, emotion loses value, passion becomes apathy.
Friday, May 4, 2007

So after hearing that I'm meeting an "old friend" this weekend after not seeing her for some time, a couple of my older work friends are trying to give me advice. It's really quite humorous.

It reminds me a lot of those television shows where the guy is going out with a girl and is hoping to get some, and all the friends are trying to give him advice for how to smooze her over.

Friend #!: Naw man, you gotta drive her up to the mountain where the view is all nice, and you gotta look deep into her eyes.
Friend #2: That's stupid. You just need to pop in this mix tape. It has never failed me.
Friend #3: Just put this in her drink. It'll make things easier on the both of you.

I mean, I'm not even thinking about doing any of that. But guys always automatically jump to that conclusion and start running with it.

Kevin keeps telling me to put on Foreigner or, if that fails, Prince.

"Girls go crazy over that stuff. You put on Prince, man, and you can have any girl you want."


I'll be more than happy with a kiss, you guys. Chill out.

Posted by K. Hanley