Sometimes when translating information from one source to the next, the meaning gets lost, emotion loses value, passion becomes apathy.
Saturday, June 2, 2007

Things that make me happy:

(in no particular order)

1.) i came home this morning and found "princess tomato in the salad kingdom" waiting on my doorstep. maybe my new favorite game.
2.) i really have amazing friends.
3.) my world of warcraft guild.
4.) my new-found sense of worth.
5.) i'm getting out of this apartment at the end of the month.
6.) i'm getting to see family today.
7.) my raise at work kicked in.
8.) gas prices across the street went down a smidge.
9.) my painting at crestview high school is staying up.
10.) the way you held on to me last night.

Posted by K. Hanley
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ohhh, life.

Sometimes I wonder why you don't have your own television show. You are probably the most funny thing ever. You shape and twist our lives, and right when we think we are on the straight and narrow you throw a fork in the road and don't tell us which way is home.

I'm sure both ways could be considered the right way, each with its own benefits and rewards and shortcomings and problems. Sure, one way might be a bit more bumpy, with more confusing landmarks and ominous sounds. But when we push through the forest, don't we begin to see light on the other side?

Isn't it the trip and not the destination?

And say we make the trip through the mountainous region, and when we cross the finish line it isn't what we had hoped. Won't we be free from the constant pestering of our conscience constantly asking us what could have been had we taken the road with a brisker air?

And besides, who is to say that the air on one trail is brisker than the other? It's all subject to opinion.

You know where I am and where I stand, punk.

Posted by K. Hanley
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Music on long drives is a huge deal for me. Totally invaluable. When I put on a good album, I just sort of slip out of my consciousness a little bit and float on for an hour at a time. I have a problem listening to mix cds. I listen to complete albums at a time. I don't know many people that do it this way, but it's the only way I can. When I hear a song on the radio or at a restaurant, when it gets to the end of a song, I'm automatically thinking of the beginning of the next track on the album (assuming they play songs on the radio or in restaurants that I listen to).

When I'm on an extended drive, I sometimes like to play an artist's entire collection from beginning to end. When I used to drive to Nashville I'd put on all five Weezer albums from Blue to Make Believe. It actually took up the majority of the trip. I think after Make Believe was over, I'd put on Radiohead's OK Computer and I'd be in Nashville before the album was completed.

Well, on the drive back from Kingston, TN, I decided to play my Veruca Salt collection. I don't have American Thighs anymore (not that I care much for it anyway), so I just played Eight Arms to Hold You through VSIV.

They're all really good albums. I really want to compare EATHY and Resolver to the first two Weezer albums, Blue and Pinkerton.

Eight Arms to Hold You and The Blue Album both contain really solid songs, none of which I really think of skipping through. But none of the songs on either of these two albums seem totally vulnerable and raw. Sure, "Shutterbug" and "Say It Ain't So" are both pretty emotional songs in their own right, but they just don't seem open enough. It's more about the music than the lyrics, I guess. Or I'm probably just talking out of my ass.

Now, Resolver and Pinkerton ... these two albums are total gems. Both are absolutely honest and wide-open for anyone to see into Louise and Rivers' soul. They are screaming at the top of their lugs, "I'm lonely. I'm totally fucked up. You fucked me up. I'm hurting. Fuck you all and goodnight."

This got me thinking about how I want to tell Louise Post how much Resolver means to me. I know she's really active on the forums (or was about a year and a half ago when I'd frequent it) so I'm really thinking of writing her a note letting her know. I don't think she gets nearly enough credit for that album.

As I was driving home while Resolver was on, I listened to every minute detail, thinking to myself, "Yep, I need to mention that part. God those flutes at the end of that song are amazing. Every second of 'All Dressed Up' makes me want to cry. It's so, so, so good."

So anyway, that's what I wanted to blog about. Resolver. Hardly anyone knows about it. I met a girl in college who was a huge Veruca Salt fan, who had no idea they released anything after Eight Arms to Hold You.

I could write an entire blog picking apart every song from that album, but I'll spare you. None of you have heard it (besides Lindsay and maybe Rachel) so it'd be a complete waste of your time. Pretty much as big a waste as this post was.

So I'm sorry. But that album makes me want to shout to the rooftops. It blows my mind that people are indifferent about music.

It's the cheapest and absolute best therapy available.

Posted by K. Hanley
Friday, May 25, 2007

I think my greatest shortcoming as a person is that I depend on others for my own happiness in many situations and it really brings me down.

Time and time again it becomes apparent that I am at my loneliest when I'm with the most people.

It's a real pain in the ass when you are trying to have fun.

I hate when my heart takes something and runs with it before my brain can catch up.

I don't feel well.

I should write this speech for tomorrow.

Be home Sunday night.

Posted by K. Hanley
For Brenda
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Here you go.

Posted by K. Hanley
I'm nice.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I have some pretty damn good friends, even if I am apparently mean to some of them. I really don't mean to be mean. If you are a good friend, and I am mean to you, it is because you mean so much to me that I can't deal with how you are doing something. I guess I'm a jerk and I should let people deal with things their own way.


I came up to Tennessee to help out my friends with their wedding and I have been pretty useless so far. I feel bad. But I guess there isn't much I can do just yet. I hope I can actually do something when the time comes.

And what's up with everyone teasing me? Ugh.


Posted by K. Hanley
Monday, May 21, 2007

I didn't mean to put off posting this long. And I also didn't mean to give the last post the amount of exposure it got. The girl didn't actually say that, and what she did say was in a sarcastic tone, so no need to get all up in arms, guys. I appreciate the support you've all shown though.

I'm up here in Tennessee now for Ian and Ashlie's wedding. It took me about 7 hours to drive up here and I almost got side-swiped by two 18-wheelers (at different times) but other than that the trip went smoothly. I saw an odd amount of hockey stickers on the way here. Youth league and college teams. Really weird to see in Alabama/Georgia.

The mountains up here are beautiful. It reminds me a lot of Vermont. When I woke up this morning, we all sat out back and just watched birds for about 45 minutes. It was pretty damn relaxing.

It reminds me of the postcard I once saw:

"The weather is here, wish you were great."

We're going up to Knoxville today to buy some wedding stuff, and hopefully they'll be willing to go see a Nintendo nerd friend of mine from the site. He has a giant replica Nintendo and about 1200 games. People think my collection is big, I can't wait to be overwhelmed by this one.

I'll probably do some more posting from up here. I have a few things I need to do in my stead: watch some Sailor Moon, read some books, draw Brenda a picture of Sailor Moon since I told her I would about five years ago, do some more Geocaching with Ian hopefully, and lots lots lots of relaxing.

And beer drinking.

Word up.

Posted by K. Hanley